Hitting the Reset Button

How many days have you had that have passed in a whirlwind of activity, stress and noise, and looking back you felt you could have done better?  How many conversations have you been through that at the end you felt you might have let yourself down?

We all have behaviour patterns that are unhelpful, and we sometimes engage in that behaviour to the detriment of ourselves and others.  However, every day is filled with opportunities to reset.- 86,400 seconds each represent an opportunity.  If we’re awake for 2/3 of that time, that gives us more than 57,600 opportunities to stop and hit reset when things are not going well. We just need to recognise those opportunities and take them.

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On trusting the team

(First Published during the 2018 Six Nations, image (c) times.co.uk)

Along with a large number of my fellow Irish, and no doubt, a good portion of the French rugby-watching population, I dug my nails into the sofa on Saturday, as Ireland and France had their first Six Nations Rugby clash for 2018.  While not on the scale of a SuperBowl, as the first Ireland game in the tournament it would be a key indicator of how things might play out for Ireland. As an away game in Paris, against a relatively untested French side, it was always going to be interesting to watch. Continue reading “On trusting the team”

What I learned from playing poker online

During a period of enforced absence last year, I distracted myself at times by playing virtual poker with people online – not for real money, I hasten to add.

Looking back on that experience a few things struck me. If they appear obvious to you, I apologise in advance.

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Pain and Gain

No, I’m not referring to the pretty terrible movie starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Mark (“The Stone”?) Wahlberg.  Neither am I thinking about the kind of chronic pain that a lot of us live with as we suffer injuries and deal with aging.  I’m thinking about learning through pain, and learning to embrace certain types of obstacles.

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